Thursday, June 24, 2010
We all have dreams; we want different things for the future in our life, and whatever you want, it’s always something very difficult, but not impossible to obtain…there is sometimes, that we can’t achieving our purpose and the planes that we had change, and that make us go in other way. Well, that’s what happened to me, I always wanted study Medicine, to be a doctor, from I’m five years old I dreamed with help people curing them and changing the kind of relationship between doctor and patient, and so many things that I’ll never can to do…I still want studying Medicine, maybe someday…
In spite, I found a wonderful degree called Biological Anthropology, and I really love it, it has everything that I like in Medicine: subjects like Anatomy, physiology, Genetics, Chemistry. Also we have things very interesting like Archaeology and Prehistory, and of course, specific subjects from our carrier where we learn everything about the Human skeletal Physiognomy.
In the future I want to study in Cambridge or some Spanish University to obtain a Ph D in Forensic Anthropology, then come back to my country and be teacher on this University because that’s one thing that I love, teach, even now I make particular sciences classes to children and I really enjoy it!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Fuck Tonsillitis!!

Everything started a week ago, that Thursday in the morning I was on class, like always, and I didn’t feel nice, so I decided to return home; I was in bed all day.
Have you happened that with tonsillitis you can’t eat anything too hot, or too cold, something too hard because your throat hurts so much; you even have a low tone of voice like “The godfather”!
The nice thing is that my mom and dad were caring for me all those days, and my boyfriend did it to, he was in my home all the weekend; they spoiled me so much.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The black holes
In the ’80 he published an article about these things, the “the black holes”, a big volume of mass in middle of the universe in a little area making it very dense. The black holes characteristics are that the particles in side it are moving in light velocity, making them travel on the time, and every particle that be close form the black hole would be absorbed, but, if any particle could to stay around this, that particle would travel on the time though a warm tunnel and arrive in the same place in a future or past time…now, here we have what he calls “the crazy scientist paradox”, an explanation very simple about why we still don’t have a time machine: a scientist has a time machine, and he wants to travel 5 minutes in the past and kills himself to prove his theory, now, assuming that he travels in the time, and he kills himself, How is he going to travel to the past if he is death in that moment, therefore he can’t to travel to a past time to killing himself?
My idols
I could talk to you about many people that I admire, like Stephen Hawkins, Einstein, Elena Caffarena, Lautaro, and so many others that are great heroes, but the person I admire has not been a public person, she has not made an heroic act, she didn't save people, and she doesn't have a statue...She is my grandmother, my father's mom.
We are a modest family, when my dad was a little boy, he, my aunts and my grandmother lived in a “campamento callampa”, and my grandmother worked hard to can living better than that.
She was alone, because my grandfather died when my dad was a little boy. My grandmother “Lucha” worked as laundress, and cleaning houses, she had not holidays, neither free days, she worked hard to pay the school to all her children, all my aunts are professional and my dad to.
She managed to buy a house for her family being a laundress, that makes me be so proud of her! And she has taught me a lot of things, one of them is that we never have to forget who we are, where we came from, and who are our ancestors and we must to be proud of them, whatever they had been and made. We can being very successful and famous, but we always must to be meek.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Kunoichi: they are not very well known

Thursday, April 22, 2010
A moved birthday!
That night I gone tired to the bed, about three AM, and one of the things I remember is my sister screaming, scared and desperate, and if she wouldn’t have screamed I wouldn’t have stand up from the bed, because I wanted follow sleeping, but I had to help her!
When everything happened, we gone to my aunt Pilo’s house, and them arrived my aunt Patty, my uncle Juan, and my grandmother.
With this, all of us forgot my father’s birthday! We couldn’t celebrate it as we wanted and with the surprise party than we wanted, but the family was together and that’s the important thing.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Hello there!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm Karina, I study Biological Anthropology on this University.
Well, I love watch movies and go to the cinema, so if someone wants to make some fun and watch a good movie...just call me!
I created this blogg for whrite thing about me, on english, because in the class we must making some jobs like this to show how much we now about this language.
I hope all of you post to me!!!