Thursday, June 24, 2010


      We all have dreams; we want different things for the future in our life, and whatever you want, it’s always something very difficult, but not impossible to obtain…there is sometimes, that we can’t achieving our purpose and the planes that we had change, and that make us go in other way. Well, that’s what happened to me, I always wanted study Medicine, to be a doctor, from I’m five years old I dreamed with help people curing them and changing the kind of relationship between doctor and patient, and so many things that I’ll never can to do…I still want studying Medicine, maybe someday…

      In spite, I found a wonderful degree called Biological Anthropology, and I really love it, it has everything that I like in Medicine: subjects like Anatomy, physiology, Genetics, Chemistry. Also we have things very interesting like Archaeology and Prehistory, and of course, specific subjects from our carrier where we learn everything about the Human skeletal Physiognomy.

      In the future I want to study in Cambridge or some Spanish University to obtain a Ph D in Forensic Anthropology, then come back to my country and be teacher on this University because that’s one thing that I love, teach, even now I make particular sciences classes to children and I really enjoy it!