Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The english challenge

I’ve liked very much this subject, because I like to learn other languages, also this one is very useful to me, because in my profession almost every texts study are in english language. This course has been very interactive and that makes you want to come classes.
The blog is funny and a good tool to practice the grammar, but it’s a little difficult to me, I’m not good enough writing essays, so, I do it to slow, and I read it at least twice before publish an article, just in case.
I need to improve everything. Usually I’m really good in english, actually it was very easy for me, but this year I’ve been a disaster! I don’t remember the grammar, I forgotten a lot of words (noun and adjectives), and I can’t talk in the class, because I don’t feel comfortable, I feel a little bit insecure, etc. even that, I’ve learned a lot this semester.
About some way to fix it, I’ve not though the way to make it better than now, I mean, I know this require just practice, but I don’t have somebody with who do it;  if I had won more money this month, I would have taken an on line english course to improve my pronunciation. That's a problem now, because just this semester I'm not using so much the english, because I'm taking my last subjects, and no one is from my mention, and it's that kind of courses in which I use to much english, so I don't have any practice, just when I have some moments to read some bioanthropologic text or scientist papers. In the only thing I'm using it on these days, is to talk with my canadian friends, but it's just writing.

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